Barefoot Wine Information Blog

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Wine in the news

WORLD WINE WEB: Virtual vines and online tastings grow - St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Mon, 16 Apr 2007 10:43:12 GMT

Brisbane Times
WORLD WINE WEB: Virtual vines and online tastings grow
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, MO - 20 minutes ago
Smith is making wine through Crushpad, a winery where the grapes are real but the experience is as virtual as members want it to be with e-mail updates, ...
Virtual vines, online tastings growing Kansas City Star
all 65 news articles

State Representative commends wine industry at lecture - The California Aggie Online

Mon, 16 Apr 2007 09:49:35 GMT

State Representative commends wine industry at lecture
The California Aggie Online, CA - 1 hour ago
State Representative Mike Thompson, representing California's First District, was the honorary speaker Thursday at the Walt Klenz Series Lecture on wine ...
Thompson discusses wine industry Thursday Daily Democrat
Thompson lauds wine industry's forward thinking Davis Enterprise
all 3 news articles

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